After-hour variances and work permits, often referred to as “weekend work permits,” are issued when the scope of the work requires construction activity outside of normal business hours or on weekends. This activity can include construction, demolition and even minor work, such as debris removal into a dumpster.
The days and hours in which work is permitted are dictated by the noise ordinance for each municipality. For example, construction activity may only be permitted Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Except for emergencies that affect public health and safety, any activity that occurs outside of the hours dictated in the municipal ordinance requires an after-hours variance/weekend work permit.
Typically, the process involves a formal request (via application or written request) to the municipal construction official. Required information often includes:
- Requested hours of work (for example, before 7 a.m. start or after 6 p.m. finish; or Saturday work after 9 a.m.)
- Type of work
- Site address
- Site contact and contact information
- Construction permit number, if applicable.
Each municipality has its own procedure for such requests, including lead time (monthly, week in advance, etc.), how long a permit will be issued for (for example, in three-day increments), and approval times. Some municipalities charge a fee for such variances/permits.
Upon application submission, if the Construction Official determines that the activity in question will not impair public health and safety and that loss or inconvenience would not result to any party in interest, he or she may grant permission for such work, overriding any local noise ordinance. Such permits should be posted at the job site.
Permitted work is limited to the scope of work specified on the application, and too many complaints may result in revocation of the variance.
If you have questions or comments contact Milrose Consultants.