As we embark onto 2018, we take a moment to look back at our top ten most popular articles of 2017. Milrose has been offering Insights all year long – ranging from important code updates and procedural changes to expert tips and best practices to industry trends and spotlight features on unique historical sites across the Northeast.
In case you missed them, here is a look at the top 10 most-read Insights of 2017.
- ADA vs. the 2014 NYC Building Code
One of the more confusing and contentious issues during design and construction is handicap accessibility compliance. In this article, Milrose's expert Code and Zoning Analyst, Jon Nassimi, outlines the key differences between the two codes that govern accessibility in New York City―The American Disabilities Act (ADA) and Chapter 11 of the NYC Building Code. Read the article to find out which requirements apply and to what degree must an existing space be upgraded to meet New York City's accessibility requirements.
- An Early History of Lighting in NYC
It’s hard to imagine in the year 2017, as we’re transitioning to LED and solar lighting, that there was a time when New York City building code was being updated to demand a switch from gas lighting to electric. It wasn’t until the late 19th century that electricity was introduced to Broadway. If that isn’t mind-blowing enough, get this: it wasn’t until well into the 20th century that electricity became a more prevalent form of lighting across the City. In this article, we cover the early (and slightly shocking) history of lighting in New York City.
- The 8 Most Common FDNY Certificates of Fitness
Certificates of Fitness (COF) are special certifications issued by the Fire Department of New York City (FDNY) under the New York City Fire Code. These Certificates are issued after individuals display that they have completed the requisite training programs and tests to satisfy the FDNY’s standards for each type of Certificate of Fitness. These Certificates can be required for various construction activities and may be required for certain operations within your building. In this article, we summarize the most common types of Certificates of Fitness that Milrose comes across.
- What You Need to Know About the DOB's Recently Revised Construction Superintendent Rule
In May 2016, the Department of Buildings (DOB) released a service update outlining the Construction Superintendent Rule Revision (1 RCNY 3301-02)—a change that directly impacts first time permits and renewal issuances. In this article, we’ve outlined what you need to know about the rule revision in order to help you avoid heavy fines or risk permit revocation in the occurrence of a DOB site visit or other protocol.
- A Brief History of NYC Zoning
New York City enacted our country's first Zoning Resolution over a century ago and since then NYC and its development of planning and zoning has continued to grow and expand exponentially. In this article, we take you through the decades of planning reports and the massive changes in urban landscape that has and continues to shape New York City.6. DOB Issues Memorandum Clarifying New ‘Temp Loop’ Requirements for Existing Buildings
When existing buildings undergo alterations, it is often necessary to temporarily shut down the sprinkler system to make new sprinkler system connections. The New York City Fire Code1 and the Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems (NFPA 13)2 requires measures to be taken to address the temporary impairment of the fire protection system before shutting off the system. In this article, we breakdown the Buildings Bulletin (2017-009) issued by the DOB clarifying the code requirements and filing procedures for TCSP systems.
- The 13 Most Common FDNY Objections
Last month, we spoke with Milrose’s FDNY Specialist, Rosalina Lizama, to determine the most common and frequent objections issued by the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) on Fire Alarm Applications. In this article, we outline 13 of the most common objections that we come across in order to help you streamline and expedite the FDNY approvals process.
- Back to Basics: Directive 2 vs. Directive 14
As the City of New York continually builds and rebuilds, the Department of Buildings (DOB) will occasionally issue selected directives, memoranda, policy and procedure notices, and interpretations to supplement the NYC Building Code. In this article, we discuss the details and differences between Directive 2 and Directive 14.
- 12 Magical NYC Holiday Transformations
Who doesn’t love classic holiday decorations and traditions, like the Rockefeller tree lighting ceremony, or the sudden appearance of holiday markets that take place all across New York City during the season? The magical holiday transformations are something to look forward to year after year. In this article, we list 12 of the most magical holiday transformations that take place in NYC around the holidays, along with a look at New York City’s past, where some of the transformative traditions got their start.
- The 7 Ancient Wonders of NYC: Ancient Architecture Proves to Be a Timeless Inspiration
Lavish buildings, technological marvels, and gorgeous art have been a hallmark of human society since modern man has been in existence. Poets and historians of the ancient world extolled the virtues of the incredible buildings they saw, but sadly, time is tough on man’s creations. Here in New York City, however, we’re not about to let time and weather stop us from having the best darn structures in the whole world. In this article, we discover 7 modern day structures mirroring the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World, right here in New York City.
Milrose would like to thank all of our subscribers for their loyal readership and continued engagement in 2017. We hope we can continue to provide you with useful articles that help you stay on top of the construction and real estate industry in the new year. Please let us know what questions or topics you would like to learn more about by completing our Insights preferences survey.