
Getting to Know the DOT

Like the NYC DOB (Department of Buildings) the NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) reviews work-type applications and distributes permits to allow for coordinated work. In total, the DOT issues over 150 different types of permits to various agencies, including utility suppliers, contractors, government agencies, and homeowners, and includes such activities as street openings, building operations (traditionally adjacent to a construction project), sidewalk construction, and installing canopies over sidewalks.

At the DOT, there are two distinct offices that review and are responsible for overseeing all construction related permitting—these are called The Office of Permit Management (the Permit Office) and The Office of Construction Mitigation and Coordination (OCMC). The Permit Office is the primary examination agency and registers permittees, receives all construction related applications, reviews them for accuracy, and applies the appropriate fees. Once the application is reviewed at the Permit Office, the OCMC reviews all construction permit applications and develops construction activity stipulations for permits, which allow for work to occur with minimal disruption to businesses, motorists, and pedestrians.

When submitting an application, all applicable original permits and/or approvals from any other requisite governmental agencies must be in place prior to applying for a permit. Common examples include: approvals from the Department of Buildings (for vault work); approvals from the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (Parks) if any street trees or tree pits will be affected by the proposed work; a permit from the DEP if any water or sewer line will be affected; and a Certificate of Appropriateness from the LPC if the proposed work is located in a historic district. In addition, Milrose advises that DOT permits should be applied for 2-3 weeks ahead of desired construction dates.

For further DOT information or advice regarding consulting or expediting needs, please contact Milrose via email at

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